Are there a lot of home repairs that you have had to complete out of necessity and in emergency situations? How many times have you had to review those repairs and wished that you had taken a moment to think about how to make yourself an excellent home repair guide? No matter if you are a landlord, renter or a homeowner I am sure that we can all agree that some repairs will need to be repeated over the course of time. There is also the possibility that friends, family members and even neighbors that will experience the same repair needs may turn to you with questions about how to make repairs in their homes.
Did you write down any of the steps that you took to fix the leaky pipe in the basement or the dripping faucet in the bathroom? Did you create a folder on your computer desktop with shortcuts to different home repair video tutorials or instruction guides? Are you starting to get the picture of what you already have readily available for creating your guide for fixing things in your home?
You can easily take the old-school method of using pen and paper to write down all that you have learned along with specific details that you remember making step-by-step. You could also build your guide by using one of the many helpful word processing programs that are available for your computer. The old-school method may require you to draw your pictures and write out your instructions on how to accomplish specific tasks and the tools and materials that are needed to make it happen. That method can prove to be quite time-consuming and may even result in doing twice as much work by first repeating your research and then rewriting portions or your complete guide over and over again.
Taking advantage of the digital tools that you have at your fingertips will make it possible for you to store your DIY do-it-yourself home repair guide in an easily accessible folder on your system or on one of the many different external portable storage devices that are available at your local office supply or computer supply stores. The other advantages of digitally creating your guide include the ability to pick and choose freely available images and instructions.
Have fun creating your guide and remember to keep it updated.